I usually put Brady in the bouncer or portable swing while I take a shower and get ready in the mornings. Lately, he has learned to grab onto the bar of the swing and pull himself forward. Thank goodness for buckles!

My friends and I have been getting together in the mornings to go jogging. Brady does great and really enjoys it! He is a good training partner: when he gets tired, mom has to move faster to get him to go to sleep! :)

Grandma and Luke came over to say hi to Brady. He convinced Grandma to let him try!

Outside-In Play Place:
I took Brady to this indoor play-place with Friends Amy & Wyatt. He is really enjoying sitting and playing with toys. Wyatt thought it was fun too!


Amy & Wyatt with Brady

Grandma & Brady

Cousin Dylan & Luke with Brady
Dylan had his 8 week check-up this week, weighing in at over 14 lbs!

Strollin' around the farm!

Camo Dude!