Wow, are you ready for this?? Mom has taken so many pictures, I don't think they will all fit. She's gonna try though!! I have had so much fun the last few weeks. We've been to all sorts of Christmas parties and gatherings . . . played with friends and family!! Here's some pics to help with the storyline!! By the way, I will be 11 months on New Years Eve! I don't think I can stay up until midnight to celebrate though! :) Better luck next year!
Me and my Brother Joey - Finally, some new toys that I'm not afraid of!
So much fun!
Christmas Day
Chillin' after a long day of presents!
Time to work off some of those cookies! Clayton's winning by a hair . . .
Devouring Santa's leftovers . . . yes, I was the first one to indulge!
Joey helped with the wrapping paper!!
Grandma & Grandpa Nelson with Me & Mom & Dad on Christmas Eve
Me and Grandma & Grandpa Nelson
Christmas Card!
And that's how the whole day went folks!! Those presents are just SCARY!!
First present . . . before the flood gates opened! I was fine until it made noise & started moving!
Santa in training
Wow, look at all those presents!
Hangin' with Dad & Joey
My favorite time of day! Mom's got to be creative to get those naked pictures nowadays!
Cousin Clayton and I . . . I don't think there was any water left by the time we were done!
Cousins: Clayton (15mo) Emma (2 1/2) Me, and Matilda (6 yrs) at the Hadfield's
Old Mill Santa
If you look closely, my nose is red and we were lucky to snap this photo between the crying!
I have to taste all the presents to see if they are any good!