Hmmmm, it's only been since September since I've blogged. . . That means it's been about 6 months! That's pretty pathetic if you ask me, but you can blame my Mommy. I'm pretty sure facebook is taking over! Can I recap the last half a year with photos all on one page? I don't think so, but I'm trying to get Mom to limit her braggin!! Here we go!
Now I'm 2! Mommy & Daddy say I am growing so fast! I am saying 3-4 word sentences and changing every day! I sing songs like "You Are My Sunshine" with Mommy and love to read books. I weighed in at a whopping 29.5 lbs and am 36.5 inches tall. That leaves me in the 75th percentile for weight and 95th for height! From a birth weight of 10.3lbs, I still remain on the upper end of the spectrum!
We Celebrated my 2nd birthday with friends and family at Pappy's Pizza in Redmond. My Auntie Me Me and Mommy made me a tractor cake! It was delicious! I was so proud when everyone sang me "Happy Birthday" and I clapped when everyone was done!

Bad Auntie!

Lovin' My New Farm!

My new quilt Grandma Kathy made me!

Christmas Time! We celebrated Christmas x3! We had Christmas at home with Mommy & Daddy, Pappa & Momma. Then we celebrated with Grandpa & Grandma Hadfield, and finished off at The Nelson's with the Holmes's. We had so much fun!

Snow Time Fun!

Snowman building with Pappa & Cousin Luke

A few Vegas pics Mom left out from the photos below!

The Vegas Crew!

Helping Pappa On The Tractor

Practicing For Barrel Racing With Mamma Nelson!

Halloween Fun!

Labor Day Parade!

Here's Looking At You Kid

Visiting Great Grandpa & Grandma Nelson!

Future Quilter?

A Day At The Children's Museum With The Holmes's

Vegas Baby!! For Daddy's 30th Birthday (well, it turned out to be that way) we took off with Grandpa & Grandma Nelson and Auntie Me Me & Cousins Luke & Dylan. We stayed in a 3 bedroom condo at World Mark. We had so much fun! We ate good food, visited an aquarium, saw lions, the Rain Forest Cafe, the M&M and Coca-Cola Factories, lots of free shows and even did a little shopping with Mommy!

We found these hats at the Bass Pro Shops, Mommy couldn't resist!

We love M&M's!!

And Flamingo Girls!

We can make anything fun!

And I was really into packing! Can I fit in carry-on?