My mom went craigslist shopping and I got some new toys! I really like the V-Tech scooter two pictures down! Play time is getting really fun and I can do more and more. I am rolling over from my back to my belly like crazy now! Joey is becoming a great tool to get me belly laughing! 

I graduated from the baby bath center and am now using a little chair! I still love bath time!
My friends Jodie and Taylor came over to play, Taylor and I really like the fish tank.
Taylor and I were checking out the piano while Jodie watched. Jodie is due in early fall with her second . . .another girl! Yay! We are excited to have another girl after all those boys!

We stopped by my friend Jen, Jon and Parker's house on the way home from Great Grandpa and Grandma's. We got to play with Parker. Jen is expecting a girl this July, yay for another girl!
They were so excited to see Brady again! Hopefully, it won't be so long before we see them again. I think once I like the car better, it will be easier to travel. I cried for an hour straight on the way over. On the way home there was a little less crying but definitely a few stops to catch my breath!
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