The pictures from this posting are a little late, but very very important so we wanted to share. We got to go see Mom's boss from work, Auntie Mel or "Mema." She was diagnosed with breast cancer a few year back and had been fighting it hard. She was absolutely in love with me. In fact, she wanted to watch me on Wednesdays while Mom worked. Then she discovered that the cancer had spread to her brain and wasn't able to watch me. Sadly, she lost her 3 year battle with cancer yesterday morning, the 9th of August. These pictures are from the 27th of July when we were able to go visit her. She sure lit up when she saw us babies! We love you Mema and we will miss you dearly! You have forever touched our lives! God Bless You!
Me with my glow worm
My girlfriend Nora and I got to play after we visited Mema
Mom and Me at Mema's

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